ii tink it tym f0r mi t0 update smth f0r mai bl0g~
ii can see spider everywhr~ haaas..
well life it's alwai the same for mi..
wk, slp, wk, slp n still! WK n SLP~
busy is the onli word ii can describe for mai life nw...
the onli ting ii had ever enjoyed is during sat wen ii mit up mai beloved bitch
to lan =X recently kip mit up n going out wif her cos nw no other
ppl jio mi n beebee out le...n ii dun haf much true fren...
the pervi0usly group of ppl ii usually hang out wif had their own event
n outing too...
hmm lols reali once i nve blog lyk hw often ii did last tym
reali cant tink of thing to post....
tink closing of blog soon~
5:44 PM笨蛋爱傻瓜Y
Tuesday, February 23, 2010 @
0ut 0f n0whr ii started t0 feel that every0ne iish leaving mi n hubby al0ne?
ii tink mainly the reas0n iish n0t bec0s 0f hubby prehaps iish cause by mi?
i'm jus a jinx t0 him barhx since he iish wif mi all his fren start t0 ps him....
7:35 PM笨蛋爱傻瓜Y
Saturday, January 16, 2010 @
basically there iish nth much t0 uodate recently...
ii get a increment recently and mai parent went 0versea
lwft mi, hubby, y0shi n br0ther at hm
ii g0tta takkriies 0f all 0f dem -__-"
saving hard nw as ii haf al0t 0f thing t0 plan 0n...
* chi0ng mai driving licence
* new yr cl0th
* Aft new yr trip t0 genting
* c0uple f0ne wif bee bee
* and l0t haiish
Jia y0u Jia y0u!!
8:38 PM笨蛋爱傻瓜Y
Sunday, December 20, 2009 @
well..it been sum tym since ii bl0g...
hmm dun reali haf the m00d t0 update mai bl0g anim0re..
al0t 0f thing change ever since tt dae...
al0t 0f unt0ld secret n unhappiness iish still well kip seal within mai heart...
perhaps tis shall be mai last p0st 0r maybe nt?
well depend...
a surface 0f happiness n a inner 0f sadness tt mai life..
s00n t0 be ii trying t0 kept myself awai frm tis realistic w0rld n th0se reality human...
ii was w0ndering aft finishin mai twilight st0ry bk n ask myself that
wad if 1 dae every1 get t0 experience a dae 0f fairytale w0uldn't it be jus s0 perfect?
f0r mi i'm dying t0 experience mai veri 0wn fairytale...
bt sum hw it s0 much different frm wad ii was dying f0r..
well aft all it jus a st0ry being c0mp0sed by human...
i'm nt being negative jus straight t0 a p0int tt ii tryin t0 sh0wn every1
"i'm jus s0 sick n tire 0f mai life"
tire 0f being upset by ppl cl0se ard mi
tire 0f being used by 0ther again n again
tire 0f the faith tt ii was b0rn tis wai (attitude)
tire 0f being left al0ne everytym wen ii nid sum1
well al0t 0f 0ther factor...
ii n0e...every path we walkin thr0ugh 0ur life iish the ch0ice tt we haf made...
f0r mi ii ch00sen a veri wr0ng path frm the start
n nw it t00 late f0r regretting nw...
frm nw ii will try t0 strike as hard as ii can w0rk as hard as ii c0uld
earn as much as ii sh0uld f0r mai 0wn beta future..
since there iish n0 return path t0 the mistake ii made ii will 0nli walk n amend 0n the
same tym while walkin..
ii swear if ii ever make it ii will g0 t0 0ther c0untry n nve retun t0 tis
place which br0ught al0t 0f unhappi mem0rise t0 mi..
3:57 PM笨蛋爱傻瓜Y
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 @
3 m0re dae t0 12 dec~
s0 excited cum sad...
c0s n0ne 0f mai fren can attend mai b'dae ):
haiish in sh0rt jus celebrating ah di, zhiwen n pee ann b'dae nia..
tis few wk till 20th dec ii will be eating grass le c0s ii spend all mai pay -__-
luckily mai c0mpany gif all the staff in 0ur firm $300 capitaland v0ucher =D
bt ii givin half 0f it t0 mai sis as her weddin gift...
lyk tt at least ii can save mai nxt m0nth pay up xD
jan ii will be dam rich c0s ii been chi0ngin 0T lyk wad
dun0 wad ii wish f0r mai b'dae 0s0..
aniwai standard every yr n0 0ne wish mi 0r even rem mai b'dae
even mai family...
haiish well yi tian gu0 yi tian barhx
8:57 PM笨蛋爱傻瓜Y
Thursday, December 3, 2009 @
Guy Can't be trusted!
i'll n0t l00k f0r an0ther relati0nship anim0re...
enuff 0f hurt alreadi...
1:43 PM笨蛋爱傻瓜Y
Sunday, November 29, 2009 @
haiish s0 fast it sundae alreadi....
everyb0dy de 3 dae R&R 0ver ):
tis 3 dae the tym f0r mi n bee bee tgt isn't enuff at all...
feel lyk having him by mai side f0rever...
ytd wen kb0x t0 celebrate zhiwen 23rd b'dae
drink n sing till kb0x cl0sing which iish 3am
reach hm at 4am bath all tt
ended up ii slp at 4.30am
being waken up by sis c0r tis m0rning at 8am
s0 which mean ii 0nli had a few hr 0f slp
wen sent0sa t0dae
was at siloso beach to had 0ur activity
was havin al0t al0t 0f fun alth0ugh it raining wen we get tt n
sunny thr0ught0ut
ii get myself sun burnt n the feeling nw iish s0 miserable...
hubby iish tire nw napping at mai hse rite nw but he will be g0ing bck in awhile s00n ):
he asked mi t0 g0 t0 his hse t0 pei him bt den ii jus dun feel lyk g0ing
th0ught ii gt the intenti0n t0 pei him ):
ii nid him by mai side t00
bt the destinati0n f0r him t0 g0 t0 wk iish far
n nw ting between...
ani f0t0 ii will update real s00n 0nce ii get the f0t0 frm
sis fren n pee ann...
8:41 PM笨蛋爱傻瓜Y
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